Poor nutrition and hair loss in women

Did you know that nutritional deficiency may impact hair growth? Well, incorrect diet, eating disorders, lack of vitamins and minerals can cause hair loss in women. Poor nutrition can result in changes to hair follicles that prevent healthy hair regrowth. This can cause an increase in hair shedding.
Women are more prone to nutrient deficiencies because their bodies need different nutrients than men require because of the child-bearing years, menstruation, and menopause.
How are nutritional deficiencies diagnosed?
First, determine if nutritional deficiency affects your hair or overall health. Nutritional deficiencies impact hair by affecting the hair’s ability to grow and make new strands. Hair loss could be due to dietary deficiencies, especially iron, zinc, folate, or vitamin B12. One of the most effective ways to deal with this is a balanced diet rich in hair-nourishing foods like green leafy vegetables, eggs, nuts, soybean, etc.
- Iron Test: Low iron levels can lead to anaemia, a condition that causes fatigue and weakness. A doctor may check for levels of iron in your blood to determine if you have anaemia.
- Vit D Test: If you live in a cold climate, sun exposure is unlikely to produce sufficient amounts of Vitamin D. A doctor will check to see if your body has enough vitamin D using blood tests.
- Vitamin B12 Test: This vitamin is essential for the formation of red blood cells and healthy metabolism. Anaemia, dementia, and peripheral neuropathy are side effects.
- Thyroid test for hair loss: The thyroid gland is responsible to produce hormones that regulate your metabolism. A doctor checks to see if you have an overactive or underactive thyroid to determine if it causes hair loss.
How to take a balanced diet to prevent hair loss due to poor nutrition?
Nutritional deficiencies also cause hair loss because they reduce the body’s ability to produce keratin, a high-protein component of hair. A deficiency in protein or zinc can contribute to an abnormal hair growth cycle. When you eat a balanced diet, you do more than nourish your body. You supply it with the essential nutrients needed for healthy hair production. Here are some tips to stay healthy and get beautiful hair at the same time:
- Eat food rich in vitamin B complex: Vitamin B complex helps to control and release growth hormones. It also helps to stimulate hair follicles and enhances the growth of new hair. Fish, chicken, potatoes, whole wheat breads and eggs are a few excellent sources of the vitamin B complex.
- Eat lean proteins: Protein is an essential nutrient for healthy hair production or any other body function. It builds and repairs cells. Therefore, it is necessary for hair growth and maintenance. A protein diet is essential for everyone, not just bodybuilders or fitness models. Food items which have protein are excellent and healthy. You should increase your protein intake if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Chicken, fish, tofu, beans, and legumes are some of the best foods rich in protein. A protein diet for women should include good sources of vegetables and fruits because vitamins and minerals keep you healthy from the inside out.
- Increase the intake of omega 3 fatty acids: Omega 3 fatty acids help prevent the excessive build-up of DHT (dihydrotestosterone), a hormone that is believed to have a role in pattern/receding hairline development or androgenetic alopecia. Sources of omega 3 fatty acids include wild fish (salmon), avocados, and walnuts.
- Eat foods rich in iron: Iron deficiency is one of the reasons for hair fall. Include lots of green leafy vegetables, whole grains, dry fruits, and lean meats in your diet to get a sufficient amount of iron. Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower are excellent sources of iron. Oysters are also a rich source of iron.
- Include vegetables and fruits in your diet: Vegetables and fruits are good sources of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These nutrients help repair damage caused by harmful UV rays or pollution caused due to chemicals used in hair fall treatments You can also mix them with your daily meals; they taste great when cooked in curries and stews.
- Watch your caloric intake: People with a low caloric intake are more likely to have hair loss than people with high caloric intakes. If you want to improve your diet, keep track of the number of calories, have regular small meals throughout the day, and do not skip meals.
- Limit your sweet intake: If you consume too much sugar (sucrose), your body will increase its insulin level to control it. Increased insulin leads to higher levels of DHT (dihydrotestosterone). It can cause hair follicles to shrink.
- Avoid caffeine: The overstimulation can lead to blood vessels shrinking, resulting in weaker hair growth. Caffeine constricts the arteries that supply oxygenated blood to your scalp and slows down the rate of hair growth.
- Avoid fried foods: Fried foods contain trans-fatty acids, which can slow down your hair growth. Fried food can also cause excess weight gain, which causes hair fall. Overweight or obese women have higher levels of estrogen in their bodies and hence experience more hair shedding.
New Hair plant plasma with polypeptides for hair loss in women
It is a non-invasive, non-surgical hair replacement treatment. The new hair serum contains plant plasma polypeptide with growth factors, copper, tripeptide, thymisine, essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.
The new hair treatment is the first of its kind that does not require injections. It is FDA approved and has the goodness of homeopathy. The woman with thinning or balding hair can use this new hair treatment to get thicker and longer locks of hair. This bioengineered hair treatment works as an anti-hair fall agent, thickens the existing hair, and encourages new hair growth.
How can homeopathic treatment help?
There is a range of homeopathic medicines that help assimilate nutrition into the body and prevent nutritional deficiencies. They also stimulate hair follicles, strengthen roots and lengthen the growth phase of each hair.
Natrummuriaticum is also one of the best homeopathic remedies for anaemia due to poor nutrition, which may or may not be associated with a decrease in iron, protein, folic acid, and vitamins.
Nux vomica helps to overcome nutritional deficiencies in those who eat a balanced diet, but diet alone does not meet their nutritional requirement.
You can visit the nearest hair clinic and consult a registered homeopath in your town to rule out nutritional deficiencies as a cause of hair fall, or you can take our online homeopathic consultation.